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Road Advisory Committee Minutes 05/30/2013
Minutes of Meeting May 20, 2013

Meeting called to order at 6:30. Present: Dave Dobson, Terry McCormack, Doug Hall, Jim Plunkett, Allen Mayville. Selectman Jeff Jordan arrived at 7:00.

Discussion started concerning bidding process. There has been no input from the select board even though this has been known for 4 weeks. The bid proposal process is stalled in the town offices with the board. The proposal is also in need of editing with the addition of accurate information as to size and specific needs. Mr Hall and Mr Plunkett are working on this. It was decided to hold a meeting on Friday, May 24 at 6;30 to assemble the bid in a coherent form.

Bonding was subject to discussion, liability. No figures were discussed. Select board will have questions on this.

Doug Hall voiced his dismay and concern for the recent paving performed on the Eastern secton of Canterbury Road. This adversely affects RAC and CIP boards and leads to further realignment of plans. Other members expressed thoughts about their participation being worth their time and input.

Discussion focused on whether this overlay @ $60,000 plus should be classed as maintenance or capital improvements. It changes the plans proposed by RAC and could effect the mindset of Chichester voters.

The report on departments of other towns was continued.

            Canterbury is done
            Strafford was discussed
            Others pending

Mr Plunkett reported on Central NH Planning needs on what, when and how detailed traffic surveys should be. Decided to request full range of details, possibly by end of July.
Road surveys whether by groups or individuals mentioned with no decision either way.

Adjournment moved @ 8:05 by Mr Hall, Mr Dobson seconded.

Submitted, Allen Mayville